What Family Controlled the Russian Empire During the 19th Century?

Past Tim Lambert

Lodge in the 19th Century

During the 19th-century life was transformed past the Industrial Revolution. At first, information technology caused many problems only in the late 19th-century life became more comfortable for ordinary people. Meanwhile, Britain became the world'due south start urban lodge. By 1851 more than half the population lived in towns. The population of United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland boomed during the 1800s. In 1801 information technology was about 9 million. By 1901 information technology had risen to about 41 meg. This was despite the fact that many people emigrated to North America and Australia to escape poverty. Well-nigh 15 million people left Britain between 1815 and 1914.

Notwithstanding many people migrated to Britain in the 19th century. In the 1840s many people came from Ireland, fleeing a terrible potato famine. In the 1880s the Tsar began persecuting Russian Jews. Some fled to U.k. and settled in the East End of London.

In the early 19th century United kingdom was ruled by an elite. Only a small minority of men were allowed to vote. The situation began to change in 1832 when the vote was given to more men. Constituencies were also redrawn and many industrial towns were represented for the first fourth dimension. The franchise was extended again in 1867 and 1884. In 1872 the undercover ballot was introduced.

Once most men could vote movements began to go women the right to vote too. In 1897 in U.k. local groups of women who demanded the vote joined to form the National Marriage of Women'southward Suffrage Societies (NUWSS).

In 19th century Britain at to the lowest degree 80% of the population was working course. In club to exist considered middle grade, you lot had to have at to the lowest degree one servant. Near servants were female. Throughout the 19th century, 'service' was a major employer of women.

In the 19th century families were much larger than today. That was partly because babe mortality was high. People had many children and accepted that not all of them would survive.

In the early on 19th century a group of Evangelical Christians called the Clapham Sect were active in politics. They campaigned for an terminate to slavery and brutal sports. They gained their proper noun because so many of them lived in Clapham.

Religion was much more than of import in the 19th century than it is today. Notwithstanding, in 1851 a survey showed that only about 40% of the population were at church or chapel on a given Sunday. Even allowing for those who were ill or could not brand it for another reason it meant that half the population did not go to church. Certainly many of the poor had little or no contact with the church. In 1881 a similar survey showed only about 1/iii of the population of England at church building on a given Sunday. In the late 19th century organized religion was in decline in Britain.

Work in the 19th Century

During the 1800s the factory system gradually replaced the system of people working in their own homes or in minor workshops. In England, the textile industry was the first to be transformed. It employed many children. Unfortunately, when children worked in textile factories they often worked for more 12 hours a 24-hour interval.

In the early 19th century parliament passed laws to restrict child labor. Even so, they all proved to be unenforceable. The first effective police force was passed in 1833. It was effective because for the first time mill inspectors were appointed to make sure the constabulary was beingness obeyed. The new police banned children under 9 from working in material factories. It said that children aged 9 to xiii must not work for more 12 hours a day or 48 hours a week. Children aged 13 to 18 must not work for more than than 69 hours a calendar week. Furthermore, nobody under eighteen was allowed to work at night (from 8.xxx pm to 5.30 am). Children aged nine to xiii were to be given two hours of pedagogy a day.

Atmospheric condition in coal mines were often terrible. Children as young as 5 worked underground. Notwithstanding, in 1842, a police force banned women and boys nether x from working underground. In 1844 a law banned all children under 8 from working. Then in 1847, a Factory Act said that women and children could only work ten hours a day in material factories. In 1867 the constabulary was extended to all factories. (A factory was divers as a place where more 50 people were employed in a manufacturing process). In 1878 a police force banned women from working more than 56 hours a week in whatsoever factory.

In the 19th century, boys were made to climb upward chimneys to clean them. This exercise was concluded by law in 1875.

In the 19th century beingness a domestic servant was a common job for women. Other women worked as charwomen or laundresses. Many women worked at domicile finishing shirts or shoes. Others made boxes or lace at abode. In the Black Country in the W Midlands of England, some women made chains in forges by their homes. In the 19th century married working-class women often worked – they had to because many families were so poor they needed her earnings also as her husbands.

In the 1850s and 1860s, skilled craftsmen formed national merchandise unions. However unskilled workers did not become organized until the belatedly 1880s.

British Cities in the 19th Century

Living conditions in early 19th British century cities were often dreadful. However, there was one improvement. Gaslight was first used in 1807 in Pall Mall in London. Many cities introduced gas street lights in the 1820s. However early 19th century cities were dirty, unsanitary, and overcrowded. In them, the streets were very ofttimes unpaved and they were not cleaned. Rubbish was not collected and information technology was allowed to accumulate in piles in the streets. Since nigh of information technology was organic when information technology turned black and sticky it was used as fertilizer.

Furthermore, in the early on 19th century poor people often had cesspits, which were non emptied very often. Later in the century, many people used earth closets. (A pail with a box containing granulated dirt over it. When you pulled a lever clay covered the contents of the pail). In the early on 19th century but wealthy people had flushing lavatories.

However, in the late 19th century they became common. In the early 19th century poor families often had to share toilets and on Sunday mornings queues formed.

Given these horrid conditions, information technology is non surprising that disease was common. Life expectancy in cities was low (significantly lower than in the countryside) and baby mortality was very high. British cities suffered outbreaks of cholera in 1831-32 and in 1848-49.

Fortunately, the last outbreak finally spurred people into action. In the late 19th century most cities dug sewers and created piped water supplies, which made lodge much healthier. Meanwhile, in 1842 Joseph Whitworth invented the mechanical street sweeper.

Poverty in the 19th Century

At the end of the 19th century more than 25%of the population of Great britain was living at or below subsistence level. Surveys indicated that around 10% were very poor and could not beget even basic necessities such equally plenty nourishing food. Between xv% and 20% had just plenty money to live on (provided they did not lose their chore or have to take time off work through disease).

If you had no income at all you had to enter the workhouse. The workhouses were feared and hated by the poor. They were meant to be equally unpleasant as possible to deter poor people from asking the state for help. Withal during the late 19th century workhouses gradually became more humane.

Houses in the 19th Century

Well-off people lived in very comfortable houses in the 19th century. (Although their servants lived in cramped quarters, often in the attic). For the first time, furniture was mass-produced. That meant it was cheaper merely unfortunately standards of design fell. To u.s., middle-class 19th-century homes would seem overcrowded with furniture, ornaments, and knick-knacks. Nevertheless, only a pocket-size minority could afford this comfy lifestyle.

In the early on 19th century housing for the poor was ofttimes dreadful. Frequently they lived in 'back-to-backs'. These were houses of three (or sometimes only 2) rooms, one of the top of the other. The houses were literally back-to-dorsum. The dorsum of one business firm joined onto the back of another and they only had windows on i side. The bottom room was used as a living room and kitchen. The ii rooms upstairs were used as bedrooms.

The worst homes were cellar dwellings. These were i-room cellars. They were damp and poorly ventilated. The poorest people slept on piles of straw because they could non afford beds. Nonetheless, housing conditions gradually improved. In the 1840s local councils passed by-laws banning cellar dwellings. They too banned whatever new back-to-backs. The erstwhile ones were gradually demolished and replaced over the following decades.

In the early on 19th century skilled workers usually lived in 'through houses' i.e. ones that were non joined to the backs of other houses. Ordinarily, they had two rooms downstairs and two upstairs. The downstairs front end room was kept for the best. The family unit kept their best furniture and ornaments in this room. They spent most of their time in the downstairs dorsum room, which served equally a kitchen and living room. As the 19th century passed more and more working-course people could afford this lifestyle.

In the belatedly 19th-century worker's houses greatly improved. After 1875 nearly towns passed edifice regulations which stated that e.1000. new houses must be a certain distance apart, rooms must be of a certain size, and have windows of a sure size. By the 1880s most working-grade people lived in houses with two rooms downstairs and two or even three bedrooms. Nigh had a small garden. At the end of the 19th century, some houses for skilled workers were built with the latest luxury – an indoor toilet.

Nevertheless, fifty-fifty at the terminate of the 19th century, at that place were still many families living in one room. Old houses were sometimes divided upwardly into split up dwellings. Sometimes if windows were broken slum landlords could not or would not replace them. So they were 'repaired' with paper. Or rags were stuffed into holes in the glass.

In the late 19th century about homes likewise had a scullery. In information technology was a 'copper', a metal container for washing wearing apparel. The copper was filled with water and lather powder was added. To launder the clothes they were turned with a wooden tool called a dolly. Or y'all used a metal plunger with holes in information technology to push clothes up and downwardly. Wet clothes were wrung through a device called a wringer of mangle to dry them. The clothes wringer or mangle was invented by Robert Tasker in 1850. In 1875 a human named John B. Porter invented a portable ironing board. Sarah Boone patented an improved device in 1892.

At the starting time of the 19th-century people cooked over an open up fire. This was very wasteful as nigh of the heat went up the chimney. In the 1820s an iron cooker called a range was introduced. It was a much more efficient way of cooking considering well-nigh of the heat was contained within. Past the mid-19th century ranges were common. Most of them had a boiler backside the coal fire where water was heated.

Gaslight first became common in well-off people's homes in the 1840s. By the tardily 1870s, most working-class homes had gaslight, at least downstairs. Bedrooms might have oil lamps. Gas fires first became common in the 1880s. Gas cookers outset became mutual in the 1890s. In the last 2 decades of the 19th century, many British towns and cities installed electric street lights. However electrical light was expensive and it took a long fourth dimension to supersede gas in people's homes.

In the early 19th century only rich people had bathrooms. People did take baths but only a few people had actual rooms for washing. In the 1870s and 1880s, many eye-course people had bathrooms built. The water was heated by gas. Working-course people had a tin can bath and done in front of the kitchen range.

Food in the 19th Century

In the early on 19th century most of the working class lived on manifestly food breadstuff, butter, potatoes, and bacon. Butcher's meat was a luxury. Nevertheless, nutrient greatly improved in the late 19th century. Railways and steamships fabricated it possible to import cheap grain from North America so breadstuff became cheaper. Refrigeration fabricated information technology possible to import cheap meat from Argentina and Australia. Consumption of sugar also increased.

Past the terminate of the 19th century, near people were eating better food. Furthermore in the tardily 19th century canned food start became widely available. The rotary can opener was invented in 1870 by William Lyman. Furthermore, in the 1870s margarine, a cheap substitute for butter was invented. A homo named Gail Borden patented condensed milk in 1856. John Meyenberg patented evaporated milk in 1884.

Meanwhile, several new biscuits were invented in the 19th century including the Garibaldi (1861), the cream cracker (1885), and the Digestive (1892). The first chocolate bar was fabricated in 1847. Milk chocolate was invented in 1875. The first recipe for potato crisps appeared in a book by Dr William Kitchiner in 1817.

Instruction in the 19th Century

In the early 19th century the churches provided schools for poor children. From 1833 the regime provided them with grants. There were besides dame schools. They were run by women who taught a little reading, writing, and arithmetic. Nonetheless many dame schools were really a childminding service.

In Great britain, the state did not have responsibility for educational activity until 1870. Forsters Education Act laid downwardly that schools should exist provided for all children. If there were non enough places in existing schools so board schools were built. In 1880 schoolhouse was made compulsory for 5 to 10-year-olds. However, the school was non free, except for the poorest children until 1891 when fees were abolished. In 1893 the minimum historic period for leaving school was raised to 11. From 1899 children were required to get to school until they were 13.

Meanwhile, girls from upper-class families were taught by a governess. Boys were ofttimes sent to public schools like Eton. Middle-class boys went to grammar schools. Middle-form girls went to private schools where they were taught 'accomplishments' such as music and sewing.

Games and leisure in the 19th Century

In the early on 19th century working people had very niggling leisure time. All the same, things improved by the end of the century. In 1871 the Bank Vacation Human action gave workers a few paid holidays each year. Also in the 1870s some clerks and skilled workers began to have i week paid annual holiday. Notwithstanding, even at the end of the 19th century, most people had no paid holidays except bank holidays.

In the early 19th century everyone had Sunday off. In the 1870s some skilled workers began to take Sabbatum afternoon off. In the 1890s almost workers gained a one-half-day vacation on Sat and the weekend was born. By the end of the 19th century, most people had more than leisure time.

Meanwhile during the 19th century sports became organized. The first written rules for rugby were drawn up in 1845. The London Football Association devised the rules of football in 1863. The first international match was held between England and Scotland in 1872. In 1867 John Graham Chambers drew up a listing of rules for boxing. They were called the Queensberry Rules afterward the Marquis of Queensberry. The Apprentice Athletics Association was founded in 1880. Polo was first played in Uk in 1869.

Several new sports and games were invented during the 19th century. Although a form of tennis was played since the Middle Ages backyard tennis was invented in 1873. Snooker was invented in India in 1875. Volleyball was invented in 1895.

At the terminate of the 19th century bicycling became a popular sport. The safety cycle was invented in 1885 and in 1892 John Boyd Dunlop invented pneumatic tyres (much more comfortable than solid rubber ones!) Bicycling clubs became common in Victorian Britain.

Ludo was originally an Indian game. It was introduced into Britain c. 1880.

Reading was besides pop in the 19th century. In 1841 Edgar Allan Poe published the kickoff detective story. The first Sherlock Holmes story n was published in 1887 past Arthur Conan Doyle. Many middle-class people besides enjoyed musical evenings when they gathered around a piano and sang. Middle-class people were very fond of the theatre. In the late 19th century there were likewise music halls where a multifariousness of acts were performed.

In the 19th century going to the seaside was very pop with those who could afford it. The outset pleasure pier was built at Brighton in 1823 and soon they appeared at seaside resorts across Britain.

The steam-driven press press was invented in 1814 assuasive newspapers to become more common. Stamp duty on newspapers was abolished in 1855, which made them cheaper. Still, newspapers did not become actually common until the end of the 19th century. In 1896 the Daily Mail service appeared. It was written in a deliberately sensational style to concenter readers with little education.

One new hobby in the 19th century was photography. Henry Fob Talbot took the first photograph in 1835. Withal, photography was more than than just a pastime. In 1871 a writer said that 1 of the great comforts for the working course was having a photo of a family member who was working a long style off. They could exist reminded of what their loved ones looked like. The starting time cheap camera was invented in 1888 by George Eastman. Subsequently, photography became a popular hobby.

In the late 19th-century town councils laid out public parks for recreation. The beginning children'south playground was built in a park in Manchester in 1859.

In the 19th century, the mod Christmas evolved. Earlier then Christmas wasn't specially of import. It was one of only many festivals celebrated during the yr. However, the Victorians invented the Christmas carte and the Christmas cracker. The Christmas tree was known in England earlier the 19th century but it was really made popular when the royal family was shown in a magazine illustration with ane. Begetter Christmas or Santa Claus became the figure we know today in the 19th century.

Transport and Communications in the 19th Century

Transport profoundly improved during the 19th century. In the mid 19th century travel was revolutionized by railways. They fabricated travel much faster. (They also removed the danger of highwaymen). The Stockton and Darlington railway opened in 1825. However, the first major railway was from Liverpool to Manchester. It opened in 1830. In the 1840s in that location was a huge boom in building railways and virtually towns in Britain were connected. In the late 19th century many branch lines were congenital connecting many villages.

The first clandestine railway in United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland was congenital in London in 1863. Steam locomotives pulled the carriages. The first electric underground trains began running in London in 1890.

From 1829 horse-drawn omnibuses began running in London. They shortly followed in other towns. In the 1860s and 1870s, horse-drawn trams began running in many towns. Karl Benz and Gottlieb Daimler made the first cars in 1885 and 1886. The motorbike was patented in 1885. Likewise in the 1880s, the safety bicycle was invented and cycling before long became a popular hobby.

Meanwhile at ocean travel was revolutionized by the steamship. By 1815 steamships were crossing the English language Channel. Furthermore, it used to take several weeks to cross the Atlantic. Then in 1838, a steamship chosen the Sirius made the journey in nineteen days. However steam did not completely supersede canvass until the end of the 19th century when the steam turbine was used on ships. Past the mid 19th century lifeboats were unremarkably carried on ships.

In the early 19th century the recipient of a letter had to pay the postage stamp, not the sender. Then in 1840, Rowland Hill invented the Penny Post. From then on the sender of a letter paid. Inexpensive postal service made it much easier for people to keep in touch with loved ones who lived a long fashion off. The telegraph was invented in 1837. A cable was laid across the Channel in 1850 and afterward 1866 it was possible to transport letters across the Atlantic. A Scot, Alexander Graham Bong invented the telephone in 1876. The outset telephone commutation in United kingdom opened in 1879.

Apparel in the 19th Century

In the 19th century, apart from cotton shirts, men'south apparel consisted of three parts. In the 18th century, they wore knee-length breeches only in the 19th-century men wore trousers. They as well wore waistcoats and coats.

In the early 19th century women wore light dresses. In the 1830s they had puffed sleeves. In the 1850s they wore frames of whalebone or steel wire called crinolines under their skirts. In the belatedly 1860s, women began to habiliment a kind of half crinoline. The front end of the skirt was flat but it bulged outwards at the back. This was called a hurry and information technology disappeared in the 1890s. In the 19th century, women wore corsets.

Meanwhile, near 1800 women started wearing knickers. At first, they were called drawers. Originally women wore a pair of drawers i.e. they were actually two garments, one for each leg, tied together at the top. In the belatedly 19th century in Britain women's drawers were called knickerbockers then simply knickers.

Before the 19th-century children were always dressed like little adults. In that century the start clothes made particularly for children appeared such every bit sailor suits. A number of inventions to do with habiliment were fabricated in the 19th century. Thomas Hancock invented elastic in 1820. The prophylactic pivot was invented in 1849 past Walter Hunt. The electric atomic number 26 was invented past Henry Seely in 1882 but it did non get common until the 1930s. The zip fastener was invented in 1893. In 1863 Butterick made the get-go paper dress pattern.

Health and Medicine in the 19th-century

Medicine and surgery made great advances in the 19th century. Louis Pasteur 1822-1895 proved that disease was caused past microscopic organisms. He also invented a way of sterilizing liquids past heating them (called pasteurization). He also invented vaccination for anthrax (which killed many domestic animals) and for rabies. Immunization against diphtheria was invented in 1890. A vaccine for typhoid was invented in 1897.

Surgery was greatly improved past the discovery of anesthetics. James Simpson began using chloroform for operations in 1847. In 1865 Joseph Lister discovered antiseptic surgery, which enabled surgeons to perform many more complicated operations. Rubber gloves were first used in surgery in 1890. So in 1895 10-rays were discovered.

Warfare in the 19th-century

The industrial revolution transformed warfare. Railways meant armies could be transported much faster than before. The telegraph meant that messages could also be transmitted much faster.

At the beginning of the 19th century, Sir William Congreve (1772-1828) adult the Congreve rocket. These rockets were used at Copenhagen in 1807 and they ready most of the boondocks on fire. However, rockets lacked both range and accuracy and after the Napoleonic Wars, they roughshod from favor.

Meanwhile, in 1807 a Scot named Alexander Forsyth patented the percussion cap. When a trigger was pulled a hammer striking a container of fulminate of mercury, which exploded and ignited the charge of gunpowder. The percussion cap replaced the flintlock. Furthermore, breech-loading guns greatly increased the rate of fire. The British army began using breech-loading guns in 1865. The range of guns was improved by rifling. Some guns had been rifled for centuries simply it but became commonplace in the 19th century. In the belatedly 19th century rifles were improved further by the introduction of magazines, which greatly increased the rate of fire.

Meanwhile, in 1836 Samuel Colt began making revolvers. Traditionally the cavalry fought with pistols and swords but the revolver made swords obsolete. In the 19th century, many people experimented with machine guns. In 1862 Richard Gatling invented the Gatling gun. Nonetheless, the outset really successful machine gun was the Maxim gun, invented by Hiram Maxim in 1884. It was adopted by the British army in 1889.

War at sea was changed by exploding shells, past steam engines, and by atomic number 26 ships. In 1858 the French launched La Gloire. It was made with plates of iron stock-still onto timber. Yet, in 1860, U.k. launched HMS Warrior. This ship was made with an iron hull instead of a wooden hull with fe plates fixed on it. Soon the traditional gun deck on warships was replaced by turret guns on the elevation deck. Then in the 1860s, Robert Whitehead adult the mod torpedo. The British navy began making torpedoes in 1871.

In the 19th century, new explosives were invented to replace gunpowder. TNT was invented in 1863 and dynamite followed in 1867. Cordite was invented in 1889. Meanwhile, weather condition in the services greatly improved. Uniforms were introduced for sailors in 1857. Flogging in the army and navy was abolished in 1881.

Last revised 2021


Source: https://localhistories.org/life-in-the-19th-century/

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